Catholic Ceremony Music
Below is a list of music approved for most Catholic wedding ceremonies. Please check with your church's music director to learn your church's specific guidelines on ceremony music.
PRELUDE (Music before the ceremony):
Arioso - Bach
Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring - Bach
Air on the G - Bach
PROCESSIONALS (Mothers, Bridesmaids):
Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring - Bach
Air on the G string - Bach
BRIDAL PROCESSIONAL (the Bride's walk down the aisle):
Trumpet Voluntary (also known as Prince of Denmark March) - Clarke
Spring from the Four Seasons - Vivaldi
Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring - Bach
CEREMONY SELECTIONS (lighting of the Unity Candle, Communion):
Air on the G String - Bach
Arioso - Bach
Ave Maria - Schubert (should be used when presenting flowers to the Virgin Mary)
Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring - Bach
Largo from the Four Seasons - Vivaldi
Sheep May safely graze - Bach (communion)
RECESSIONAL (The first walk back down the aisle as husband and wife):
Hornpipe from Water Music - Handel
Spring from the Four Seasons - Vivaldi
Wedding March - Mendelssohn (only allowed in some catholic churches)
POSTLUDE (A few pieces as your guests are exiting the church):
Entrance of the Queen of Sheba - Handel
Hornpipe from Water Music - Handel